Girl: Wr na u?
Boy: And2 na me.
Girl: Wr? la nman u.
Seriously, Where are you now…where do you live or work now? Can you still remember your first days when you first arrived in that place? If you do, I’m sure that you are aware how much you have grown and matured and noticed how much better you have become since day 1.
Looking back on the day that I hopped on that train, alone, afraid, with “NiHao” as the only Chinese words I can say and understand, not knowing how many hours should I be on the train, surrounded with totally unfamiliar sound and with just pure faith that someone will really pick me up at the train station when I arrive brings tears and at the same time disbelief of how strong and brave I was in taking such huge risk.
Yesterday, April 1st 2017 marks my 11th year of living and working in China. And looking back at myself 11 years ago, I have so many things to thank GOD for and so many unforgettable life lessons learned to share.
And here are some of them:
1.It’s never easy to begin but it’s the only way to accomplish something
Trying something new always comes with a risk.
When you first arrived at your new job, your new school, your new company, it feels like you were thrown out in the middle of nowhere trying to figure out how to gather yourself altogether and start to walk your own walk, often asking yourself “wr na me?” But see, after your dangerous and challenging walk, you have conquered your fear and was able to walk safely.
It’s not easy to begin but doing it lifts you up to another step up the ladder.
Beginnings can be fearful and it’s alright to fear but don’t let it hinder your success.
2.Plans help but be flexible
No matter how perfect your plan is and how much you prepare for it, it doesn’t always happen the way you expected it to be.
It’s very frustrating, devastating and painful to see and be in a situation which is totally the exact opposite of what you have expected but life is not perfect and you have to learn to drive it on the right track.
3.Always bring a huge chunk of patience in your pocket
Great things don’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of time of learning and unlearning. Doing and refining. And sometimes, it’s takes a lot of time of waiting.
And the most rewarding moment is when you realized that by not rushing into things, you have received what you deserve.
4.Greed is not all bad
Moderate greed is good. Without greed you stay stuck in your own rut.
You need greed to achieve things. You have to hold on to that feeling of thirst. Thirst to explore, to seek and to learn more and not just get satisfied with what you think you already know. Be greedy to learn to better yourself and others.Now, I’m not sharing this to you for nothing or just to show off of how better person I have become. But I’m writing this to remind you to begin your first step towards your goal whatever that is, whether a job, a business, an investment.
You will never get there unless you begin. Be greedy to learn about your dream. Be patient to do, undo, redo until you get it right but when it turns out that you’re driving towards a ditch, pull back and find a better detour.
P.S. Please help me tell your friends that’s it’s okay to begin. Please don’t forget to hit the like button and share this post to them.