Money Booster: Discover How To Cautiously Multiply Your Money From Scratch Even If You Are Already Buried in Debt


You just have to subscribe and I'll email to you copy of my best selling book in 2017

This eBook Reveals...

  • How to know your worth
  • Reasons why others are still poor
  • 6 ways to increase your income
  • What to do first to be able to pay off your debts
  • How to pay your debt aggressively 
  • How long will it take you to save your first million
  • How to safely invest in the stock market
  • The barriers that prevent people to get rich
  • BONUS: How to smell a scam a mile away (VERY IMPORTANT)

What Are Other Readers Saying

A successful page-turner! This book deserves very much of its title. “Money Booster”. It begins on boosting the financial mind of the reader through awareness of his/her current financial status…and moves on in giving simple steps yet very practical and easy to understand guide as on how to enhance your current money situation. This 39 paged book have already said it all what all other 400 paged books have to say. Certainly, a recommended book for those who would be starting their financial journey.

John Marc Benavidez Estoque 


I already read some of the author's blogs but I find this eBook different in a way that it is very concise, gets directly to the point. The book can be read in one sitting since it's only a 39-page book. Her approach is personal, clear and easy to understand so you will feel like Viol, the author, is right next to you assisting and guiding you with all her personal experiences. Highly recommended! Continue your advocacy to help others to be financially independent .

Rowena G. Siador

School Registrar

Hi Ma'am! I'd like to congratulate you first for writing and sharing this with me. It was a great read! Learned a lot from it. Loves the part on how to manage debts and how to start investing. Though the target audience are OFWs and teachers, I enjoyed it a lot since a lot of the techniques there can also be applied by millennials who are just starting to earn. I'll be taking those learning and applying them in my finances. A helpful and informative read indeed.

Ilyssa G. Agustin

Associate at SGV & Co. Philippines

Wow! For me, this is a one stop shop! Andun na yung mga basic info and application towards financial independence... ang galing! In addition to that, 39 pages! Wow! I can read it over and over again without being bored!

Claire M. Dontogan

Medical Technologist III


Hi Viol, I found the eBook very intriguing. I saved it in my tab so anytime I'll be free, I will of course read it page by page. I would like to promote this most especially to young OFWs for them to learn how to manage their finances while they are still young. Most of it are very well said, I agree it is all true. You are the best Author, I appreciated.

Life of a teacher & OFW's is really not easy. I’ve been an OFW for many years in HK, receiving a high monthly salary before because I used to work in an International Law Firm. But where did those money go? They were all gone, there are only few good results remaining until now but not on my own life, just some of my siblings.

When I decided to go home for good, I wanted to grow our family with my husband. When I got pregnant to our first child, it was not easy. The reason as to the medical said was "my age reached the critical stage of pregnancy", I had a lot of unexpected illness, like tumor which is growing to my ovary which had been monitored by doctors to save the life of my baby. Until I gave birth, everything we had with my husband were gone until nothing left and we were back to zero.

After 10 years, being at home for good, I again decided to sacrifice to leave my family and go back abroad to work for our kids’ necessity. But now is very different than before, this time just earning a little penny, but as you had wrote in your book which I was very much inspired, is that, it is not how big or how small but it is on how you handle to manage finances.

How great! Very inspiring, no matter how old I am now, I was encouraged to do some ways for a better life. Still not too late, thank you for writing your book, this book will lead many for a brighter future.

May God bless you that He may give you more knowledge & revelations to do more works/books to encourage many.

Jeline Talabis Ognasi

OFW - Astoria Park, Singapore


Have investment but seems it’s not your cup of tea? Have you been a victim of a scam directly or indirectly? Or simply don’t know how to grow your bank account? This book will certainly guide you to financial growth. Simple and concise with only 10-20 minutes of your time. It’s worth it! 

Enlightening insights from a lady who experience and still working on being financially independent. Knowing the author for the last 2 years, I’m impressed of how she handles her finances. Though we have differences on investing, saving for the future is significant endeavor today, not just when one has enough money. 

Julie P. Caoile

Teacher- OFW 
