Discover The EASY Steps I Use To Choose Good Stocks to Buy That Make Me Grow My Hard-earned Money Stress FREE While I Am Busy Teaching 

Unlock The SECRETS on How You Could Stop Losing Money in The Philippine Stock Market Even If You Are A Beginner

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Dear fellow employee,

What if there was an eBook that gave you an opportunity to earn millions of Pesos passive income while you are teaching, checking homework, grading test papers or planning your lessons, will you grab the chance to read it or will you let it pass you by?

By the time you are reading this, you've already  DECIDED to invest in the stock market.  

But you still FEAR the stock market and is CONFUSED on how to make money from it.

  • Anong Stocks ang magandang bilhin?
  • Paano pumili ng magandang stocks?
  • Anong gagawin ko para kumita?
  • What if malulugi ang investment ko?

These are just few of the many questions why UNTIL NOW you are still UNSURE whether you will be able to gain profits or lose money in the stock market.


Absolutely frustrating.

You know the stock market may give you the opportunity to be a millionaire but you are afraid to start dahil natatakot kang malugi ang perang pinagpaguran mo.

and You must really worry because you will indeed lose your money.

You will lose a huge amount of your money because you don't know how to choose great stocks to buy.

And if you don't have the ability to decide which stocks to buy to make your money grow, your loved ones or friends may be right, “wala ka ngang mapapala sa stock market kung ‘di sakit ng ulo at loob lang” because you are risking losing your money and compromising your financial future.

Not only your future but the financial future of your children, your loved ones, your family.

But that must STOP!!!

Stop your ignorance that is increasing your doubts day after day on the power of the stock market in helping you achieve your dreams of a comfortable life and a financially independent future. 

A financial future that will enable you to enjoy life, kahit retired ka na at kahit wala ka nang regular income. Yung hindi ka magiging pabigat sa mga anak at mga apo mo.

You must…

STOP living in fear and self-doubt

STOP the ignorance

STOP wasting your time for the senseless 'what ifs'

STOP losing time to make your money grow

You have to start and change NOW.

You cannot succeed unless you start.

Start becoming more aware on how to multiply your money and watch it grow.

I Know How Confusing and Scary The Stock Market Is.

Don't get me wrong. I haven't started investing in the stock market knowing every detail of it.

But see…you do NOT have to be an expert before you start

And you will NOT become an expert if you will NOT start

I was also terrified and was overcame by many 'what ifs'.

      What if mali pala ako

      What if malulugi ako

      What if maubos ang pera ko dito, pagkatapos kong magkapaus-paos sa  pagtuturo

      What if mapupunta lang sa wala ang perang pinagpaguran ko

      What if 'SCAM' pala ito

I was confused, too.

At first, I don't know exactly which stocks to buy. I was also afraid to lose.

I stumbled many times. I made wrong decisions. I lost money which made me almost quit investing in the stock market and was starting to regret the day I laid my eyes on the words 'stock market' in Google.

Until I began to learn more from others and understand the aliens’ language of the stock market through webinars, seminars, and membership sites to deepen my understanding of what the stock market is until I gradually have a clearer view of how stocks are picked and understand how to multiply my money.

It took me almost TWO years to discover all these secrets.

I wish I have known them earlier.

I’m very sure you DO NOT want to spend your next TWO years searching for the answers to your stock market questions.

I myself DO NOT want you to do the same mistakes as I did and waste the next TWO years of your life and your money discovering how to earn in the stock market.

That’s why I Want To Share what I’ve learned and discovered to you so you will start making changes in your financial life NOW.

I’ve put all of my knowledge, experience, and researches into one extremely helpful and useful eBook which I call

The Big Fat Fish

I’ve given The Big Fat Fish with more than a face lift.

it has been created into something new and different where the secrets behind choosing valued companies to invest are revealed, and which will give you facts you need to make important decisions in choosing companies to buy

The Big Fat Fish version 4.0 now contains a straight talk, plain English, jargon free explanation of the following:

  • Problems New Stock Market Investor Face
  • Top six Misconceptions About The Stock Market
  • How To Avoid Deadly Sins In Investing In The Stock Market
  • No Brainer Reasons To Stay Away From an Investment Offer
  • Where To find Good Stocks
  • What Are Good Stocks
  • Where To First See Stocks In Action - In Real Life
  • Choosing The Right Stocks To Invest In Based On Its Real Effect To Our Day To Day Life
  • Choosing The Right Stocks To Invest In Based On Its Track Record
  • Comparing Stocks Using 6 Basic Important Factors in the Market 
  • How To Manage Your Investment even If You Are Still a Newbie
  • Strategies Practiced By successful Stock Market Investors
  • The Most Important Support Strategies To Maximize your Gains
  • How To Survive In the Down Market 
  • Six Running Lessons For a successful Stock Market Investing

And Here’s An ADDED Feature

  • How To Create An Investment Plan
  • How To Stack Up: Finding Ways To Have Money To Invest

And Here’s MORE

A list of practical exercises that are embedded all throughout this eBook to help any beginner to easily and simply understand the steps of choosing and buying good stocks and confidently make money from the stock market.

Once you’ve finished reading The Big Fat Fish and diligently completed all the practical activities in it, you’ll begin creating your own native ability of choosing your own stocks.

But…This Isn't for Everybody

Yes. This isn't for everyone.
This is ONLY for those who are experiencing the following problems. Teachers and ordinary workers who have pain such as the following:

  • No savings until now despite of working for years
  • No savings upon retirement because they are buried in debts
  • Not knowing anything how to spot good stocks to buy
  • Not having the time and ability to run a business on their own while working
  • Not being aware of possibilities of growing their income without risking a huge capital investment.

But If you...

  • want to start earning passive income from the stock market while you are teaching but are terrified to lose money by choosing unpromising companies
  • are serious to learn how to choose the best stocks to buy but DO NOT have the TIME to learn because you are occupied with much work and responsibilities from school and home
  • have a limited extra money to pay for expensive webinars, seminars and membership sites, and want that money to invest now instead
  • have difficulties understanding the highfaluting, hoity-toity technical terms of the stock market

I believe that THE BIG FAT FISH is for you

But Do NOT Be Misled that if you buy The Big Fat Fish you will get rich instantly.

The Big Fat Fish will NOT make you an instant millionaire
The Big Fat Fish will NOT also teach you to trade actively

This is not a get rich quick solution but as a get rich slow solution because change comes over time.

If you believe that choosing great companies and investing on them over a period of time while you are teaching will double or triple your money

If you have the patience to wait for your money's high returns

If you believe that successful investing in the stock market is like planting rice that needs time to grow before the harvest season...

then I strongly believe this is for you.

Getting a copy of 
The Big Fat Fish will be the smartest investment you could make in the vital weeks before you will finally embark into your stock investing or before you will buy your next set of stocks because the simplicity of the valuable information that appears in this eBook appears NOWHERE else.

At this moment, you are now asking how much is this The Big Fat Fish 

But before you ask me how much will THE BIG FAT FISH cost you

I want you first to ask yourself these questions.
How much money will I lose due to my ignorance?

How much money will I passively earn from the stock market if I allow myself to be more aware about it

Will I rather spend a little more now, instead of a lot more later due to wrong investment decisions?

You probably thought you couldn’t afford the Big Fat Fish but…
The Value You Will Get From The Big Fat Fish will pay f
or itself many times over

Because the 180 pages of The Big Fat Fish 
  • reveal what to avoid in your stock investing
  • show where to find the good companies to buy
  • reveal the 6 simplified criteria used by stock market investors in choosing great stocks
  • unveil TWO secrets on how to safely multiply your investment in the stock market
  • help you to finally start earning money from your stock market investment
  • unleash your potential and confidence to decide which promising stocks to buy
  • help you create your stock market investing goals based on your deeper emotional desires
  • assist you draft a specific stock market investing plan
  • help you discover ways of stacking money to invest

In addition to that, this eBook
  • is so concise and simple that you can read it in one sitting
  • is written in a language that every teacher or an ordinary worker can understand

With All These Benefits, The Big Fat Fish has now A Monetary value of more than 3998 Pesos, but...

I really like to help you succeed in your stock market investing journey. That's why I decided NOT to ask you to pay 3998 Pesos For NOW.

Instead, you can get a copy Of The Big Fat Fish version 4.0 for 60% OFF which is

Remember that you are paying for QUALITY

Pamper yourself...Treat yourself to a worry free financial life upon retirement.

Let this eBook be the best gift you'll ever receive or give to yourself.

The value and benefit you will receive from this eBook to your Stock Market investing will be worth a thousand times the price.

Proof Of My Earnings From The Stock Market

Earnings From Dividends

Earnings From Capital Gains

Withdrawal Notice 

This Is My Boldest Guarantee

You have nothing to lose by investing in this ebook to win in your stock market investing. The payoff could be huge and well worth your time and investment. I 100% Guarantee that you'll love this eBook or I'll return your 1500 Pesos and let you keep it anyway 

That's right. You Don't even have to send anything back. Just simply email me within 30 days from the date you made your purchase and I'll send your money back with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

Why shouldn't I just give this to you for free?

Of course I can. I can give this to anybody free of cost. 

But look, I believe that we put more value on things that we spent money on. When we aren't yet the ones buying our own stuff, we do not put too much care on them. 

But then, when we start earning our own money and we are the ones spending on our own 'gamit' like gadgets, have you noticed that as much as possible ayaw mo silang magasgas?

I want you to value these learning materials. I want you to spend on them because I want you to succeed.

That's not all, You Are Actually Getting More
When you buy The Big Fat Fish version 4.0, you will also receive one of my valuable eBooks for FREE


Money Booster Full Edition

This e-Book contains 6 Chapters and a Bonus chapter that talks about

  • the reasons why you should know your worth
  • how to increase your net worth
  • how to pay your debt aggressively
  • how long will it take you to be a millionaire
  • how can stock market make you rich
  • the barriers that prevent people from getting rich
  • and in the Bonus Chapter, you will learn How To Smell Scam A Mile Away
  • There is even MORE for YOU

    Isavenvestify Affiliate Program (IAP)

    That's right.

    When you buy The Big Fat Fish version 4.0 today, You will not only receive a bonus ebook.

    You will also have an oppotunity to EARN ADDITIONAL INCOME by becoming an affiliate of isavenvestify. 

    That means for every person who will buy isavenvestify products through your affiliate link, you will also be earning 20% from each sale. 

    (This is optional. It's up to you if you will grab this opportunity for you to make money online so that you will have more sources of income to add in your stock market investment)

    Grab Your Copy Of The Big Fat Fish eBook version 4.0 
    and get TWO more eBooks for FREE

    This  latest version of The Big Fat Fish is offered at  a Price of ₱1500 (eBook Value is ₱3998)

    Only ₱3,998 ₱1500 Today!

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    What will your 1500 Pesos Get You

    The Big Fat FishMoney Booster, and Isavenvestify Affiliate Program

    This is a Truly Limited Offer. so Claim Your Copy TODAY 

    Before The Price Starts To Go Up


    You Have THREE Options Today

    Option A: Do Nothing

    • Just ignore what I've just told you and continue with your fear of losing your money and losing the opportunity to create a financially independent future that you've been dreaming.
    • Just skip this page and continue wondering what to do.

    Option B: Keep Doing Things On Your Own

    • You will also do what I've done.
    • Begin from scratch and fail more to success.
    • This is not a bad idea because after all, experience is the best teacher and failure is the mother of success.
    • However, the downside of doing things on your own is it will take you a longer way to achieve your desired result.
    • You might also be losing more before you will finally see the light to your way to success. 

    Option C: Get a Copy of The Big Fat Fish for 1500 Pesos

    • You will copy what I have done and innovate for a better result in your stock market investment. 
    • You will avoid the same mistakes that I have done which will save you from losing money due to wrong investing decisions. 
    • You will also save time from researching the same information that I have already researched, learned and experienced. 
    • Instead of using this time to search the same information, you will be diverting it into learning other skills that will help you earn extra income to invest in stocks. 

    Which option will you go for?

    What Other People Are Saying...

    Helen Grace Mesa 


    Marlie Casi 



    Harvey Genciana



    Arlene B. Herrera
    Project Develpment Officer (DepEd)

    It never came into my head to invest into something because I do blieve that I have nothing to invest :-) BUT, after being introduced to Ms Viol's eBook, well I'm having second thoughts :-) The eBook is very user's so easy to understand and stories are so "relatable" that you want not to stop reading. After reading the eBook, my perspective on investing and saving has changed. Thank you and looking forward to having more tips Ms Viol, for me to be helped and in managing finances. ;)

    Julie Caoile

    Simple and compelling. Based on the author's life's encounters and experiences and an all-in-one guide to investing in stocks for a newbie.  If you find investing in stock market interest you, this is your magic word to open the door - the abrakadabra or open sesame in you wish. 

    The Author

    Violeta Depalog - Teacher/OFW

    I regret the time that I have wasted so much money because of my wrong beliefs about it and living in a negative stereotype towards teachers.

    But I cannot turn back time.

    All I can do now is to learn from these mistakes and act to improve my life and other people’s lives around me.

    This is also the very reason why I’m very passionate in spreading financial education particularly saving and investing in the stock market to my fellow teachers and ordinary employees.


    The information contained in this product is for education purposes only. This is designed to help you understand the specific information covered. How you use the information is entirely up to you. While every effort has been made to accurately represent the information along with my opinions and insights, any claims made or examples given, although believed to be accurate, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase.

    We have made absolutely every effort to accurately represent this product and its potential. Despite this there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We do not purport this as a get rich quick scheme – the techniques are proven but their capacity to generate wealth is based purely on the determination, commitment and willingness of the individual concerned.

    As with any investment, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials if any and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

    There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in investment and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions.

    The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your investment that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services. As with any investment endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. t’s up to you to decide what level of risk is appropriate for you. If you cannot afford, or will not use, this product, do not buy it. 

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at

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