December 2, 2017

Whatever you sow, you reap. The best part of it is you don’t only reap what you sow but you reap more than what you sow.

THREE YEARS ago I found myself singing this song while dressing up for work.

Where have all the flowers gone?

Long time lasting…

Where have all the young girls gone?

Gone to young men everyone…

Then as the song continued to play I was mouthing the lyrics…

Omage Source:

Where have all my money gone?

Long time ago…

Where have all my money gone?

Most are wasted one by one

When will I ever learn?

When will I e-ever learn?


But today, if I sing this song again, the lyrics will be totally different.

It will be

Where have all my money gone?

Bring me my list…

Where have all my money gone?

Let me read to you one by one

Ayala, Abiotiz, Megaworld

Banco De Oro, Cebu Pacific…

I have already learned

Yes, I’ve already learned

I wish you the same. I wish that a year, 2 years or 3 years from now, you will be singing the same song.

Here’s how you can change the lyrics of the song

1. Just Start

No more procrastination and excuses.

Just start saving. Just start developing a skill that you can monetize. Just start developing yourself. Just start learning.

No more fear. Fear is normal but overcome it.

If you’ve been planning to have a business, start it-start small.

If you’ve been wanting to start a blog, start writing now and start learning how to monetize your blog.

If you’ve been dreaming of investing, start now and do it regularly.

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See, there’ll be no flame if no one starts to make an ember.

The leaves won’t move if the wind won’t blow on them.

Life is a matter of cause and effect. If you sow something, you reap something. If you don’t sow anything, you reap nothing. The best part of it according to Jim Rohn is you don’t only reap what you sow but you reap more than what you sow.

2. Be teachable

One of the reasons why many of my students fail is not because they are stupid but because they don’t listen and some are stubborn that they insist on doing what they think is right and easy. They aren’t willing to accept new ways of learning.

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If students are stubborn to accept new things, more so with adults and professionals.

I have encountered people who are not teachable.

If I suggest 1 possible way how they can save money, they counter it with 2 or 3 more ways why it’s impossible for them to do it.

They have already built a wall that even before presenting them with something, they have already filtered it out preventing themselves to look at what is on the other side.

When I read the life of some of the successful people that I know, they all have one thing in common.

That is, they are all teachable and allowed themselves to be mentored by others. Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rohn, Bo Sanchez, Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eker…they all have mentors

3. Don’t Let failure Stop You

Once you start expect for failures. Failure is one of the realities of life. There are many times that I’ve failed. I get frustrated but I don’t stop. I remember Bo Sanchez in one of his letters to me, he said: “Fail your way to success”. – Do You Want to Gain Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time?

Of all the successful people I know of, they all failed not only once but on several occasions.

Try reading about Robert Kiyosaki’s life, oh he failed several times before he became successful.

Jack Ma failed in every job interview he had before he decided to start his own Alibaba company.

Sylvester Stallone, Mark Zuckerburg and many more.

Few years ago, I made the decision to just start, be taught and never give up and that’s the day my life starts to turn around.

My challenge for you today is – What will your first step be to start turning you life around?

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P.S.1. If you are blessed by this post, share the blessing also to your loved ones and friends by sharing this post to them. 

P.S.2. I am inviting you to visit and join our Facebook Group 

P.S.3. If you also want to learn how to invest in the stock market, get your FREE ebook that teaches how by filling in the form below

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