January 24, 2017

Would you rather be the one asking for help or the one giving help? Or would you rather be both?

Image Source: https://indianceo.in

In my previous letters to isavenvestify subscribers, I’ve narrated how my shares in Globe Telecom gave me the choice to go home for a vacation this “Chinese New Year” without sabotaging my monthly budget or worst borrowing money to pay for my airfare.

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This is me at the Baiyun International airport in Guangzhou, China waiting for my connecting flight bound to Manila and I just can’t contain my excitement to see my family and friends in flesh again.

But you know what, the thing is, I wouldn’t have achieved this short term success without the help of others. Yes, I call this experience as success because If I look back at my previous life few years ago, when I was not yet keen with my finances particularly on investing in stocks, I wouldn’t have this choice-sipping my coffee while waiting for my flight. And without seeking others financial advice, I wouldn’t have known what to do with my Globe Telecom shares.

That’s why in response to the question above, in my honest and naïve opinion, each of us in a certain moment of our lives needs others’ help.  Although I am certain that you have the ability to reach your financial success on your own even without seeking other’s assistance but asking for it will lead to a faster favorable success of surpassing challenging situations.

However, not everyone is like you or me. Have you ever come across with someone who sees seeking for help is a sign of weakness? Or do you sometimes think it is?

In reading several books written by successful people in the financial world and in other areas, I’ve noticed they they have things in common. One of those similarities is that they have a mentor. They learn from others’ experiences and that they aren’t reinventing the wheel rather they are innovating what is already there.

When speaking about financial success, the 3 reasons below are always on the top of the list on why people who seek professional help are successful than those who don’t.

1.There is always someone who has similar dreams as yours who have already succeeded

Here is a quote from Paulo Coelho.

“Learn from someone who has already been up there: no matter how unique you feel, there is always someone who has had the same dream before you and ended up leaving marks that can make your journey easier…The climb is yours so is the responsibility, but don’t forget that the experience of others can help a lot.”

Paulo Coelho said it all.

2.It saves you time

Learning from others’ experiences will save you much time by avoiding too many trials and errors before achieving a promising outcome.

Don’t get me wrong on this. Yes, should learn from others but this does not mean that you will copy everything and become a copycat of your mentor. You still need to bring in your own creativity and innovative ideas.

The point is, by doing so, you won’t be duplicating the same mistakes that others had repeatedly done. Instead, you will be focusing more on how you will improve yourself to be better on what you do.

3.It keeps your motivation high

If you’ve been following my blogs, you must have already read that it was Bo Sanchez’s successful story about his maids making money in the stock market powerfully boosted my dreams to be financially free. It gives me confidence that as an ordinary employee like Bo Sanchez’ maid, there is no doubt that I can also make it in the stock market.

Thus knowing others’ experiences on how they started their financial journey will let you hear of their stories of success and failure (especially their stories of failure). These will motivate you to keep going because you will realize that you are not alone on this journey and that what you are going through is normal. You will see and understand how others have been failing their ways to success.

Keep helping others but don’t be shy to ask for help, too when needed.


P.S.1. If you are blessed by this post, share the blessing also to your loved ones and friends by sharing this post to them. 

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P.S.3. If you also want to learn how to invest in the stock market, get your FREE ebook that teaches how by filling in the form below

P.S.4. If you want to watch FREE stock market video training, go to http://isavenvestifyvideos.blogketer.com/

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