Happy Labor Day!!!
According to people.howstuffworks.com, the “Labor Day is a day set aside to pay tribute to working men and women.” In short it is the day to celebrate workers who do the labors that brings the world to its famed development now.
Although we still have a Labor Day holiday in our time, it now carries less significance as a celebration of working people. These days, Schools, government offices and businesses are closed on Labor Day so people can get one day off to go shopping and spending their hard earned money from their hard done labor
Going to work everyday following the daily routine can become so monotonous until it turns out to be a task needed to be accomplished at the end of the day.
Then, at the end of the day, we complain saying, “Puro na lang trabaho, pero bakit hindi pa rin gumiginhawa ang buhay ko”.
Do you still remember your feelings when you were looking for a job after graduation?
Can you still taste that frustration from rejection after applying from one office to another to get that job you were eyeing for?
Can you still smell that desperation then you finally decided to just take any job offer that comes to you just to stop the growling of your hungry stomach?
Then at last, when you already have a job, you started complaining about it, and hating it.
They key is NOT working HARD.
The key is working SMARTLY.
1.Go to work with a positive thought
Are you familiar of the Amish people and how they work? An Amish wife once said, doing the same is not a burden nor a boring task because she is doing it to glorify the Lord. Amazing!
2.Delegate some tasks to others
Utilize other people’s skills. I don’t mean being bossy and manipulative.
We like to be recognized and we have skills that we aren’t yet fully aware of. Take this belief at work. Help others discover and develop their potentials by delegating tasks to them.
Ask a student to draw pictures for your class wall décor, ask someone who can make flashcards for the class, who can be monitors in every subject areas.
Find ways to collate and check papers faster.
Collaborate with others to make lesson planning faster and easier.
3.Face your tasks right on
One of the reasons why we are burdened with our day to day work is procrastination. We love waiting for the deadline. So, when deadline is near, we burn our candles until midnight.
But if we do or work head on, it will be much easier. Don’t wait for the end of the grading period to record all your students’ scores.
Probably, you still haven’t checked their quizzes and assignments, yet or haven’t given projects, yet. So, you cram and ask your students to submit work giving them a very short span of time to prepare. Sounds familiar? (wink)
4.Save more
Not a frequent trip to SM Savemore.
Starting to save is one of the first important steps to work smartly. Because when you save, you will have the ability to make this saving, your money to be your servant. How will you do that? By investing it.
Once you start investing, it’s just like hiring workers to make more money for you. And the best thing is, these workers don’t get tired. They will work for you day and night.
How will that happen?
When you invest your money in legitimate businesses, your money will be earning more money for you even when you are resting. It won’t get tired.
All you need to do is managed it once in a while.
So what happens when you invest the money you saved?
There will be more of you working that will provide you with your needs.
- more of you who physically work in the office or in the classroom who will bring home the pay envelope/ATM card at the end of the month, and
- Your tiny tireless workers (your money) will keep working for you day and night, holidays and working days as long as there are people consuming the goods/produce of your business.
Happy Labor Day. Start working smartly today and enjoy the fruit of your labor.
P.S. Do you have more things in mind how we can start working smartly? We are also very eager to know. Please be kind enough to share them below.

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