August 27, 2016

Would you rather choose to be called kuripot? Or would you prefer to be named as madamot?

Ay kuripottt!!!

Ay madamot!!!

Do you like hearing the tone of it?

fist full of money_full

Please allow me to tell you the story of Potpot Kuripot and Motmot Madamot. Don’t worry this is  very short.

Potpot and Motmot are best friends. They have many things in common. Like they both love saving money, both are hardworking, both like bringing their girlfriends to dates. But despite their similarities, they are also very different in many ways most especially in letting go of the money they have hardly earned.

For Potpot, he loves dating her girlfriend to the cheapest restaurant in town. On the other hand, Motmot, loves taking his girlfriend to an expensive restaurant but often embarrasses her by constantly reminding her to order the cheapest food.

Potpot always remembers the special dates in their relationship and he gives handmade cards, personal letters with a decorated flower like rose, rosal, antorium, or if there are no flowers around he sometimes pick a calachuchi or santan flower from the children’s park, buys chips and 2 bottles of Sakto Coke and set-up a date at the park. Motmot sends anniversary greetings, birthday greetings through text messages, buys a gift but again, he’ll often let her girlfriend know how much the gift was as if he regrets buying it for her.

Potpot gives a tightly budgeted allowance to his sisters and brothers who are still going to school and tells them to be thrifty because he won’t send them any until the next pay day. Motmot keeps all his salary to himself. There are few times that he gives money to his only sister. But the money is barely enough for a week and once again, he won’t stop reminding his sister to be thrifty becasue it took him a hard time to earn that money even after the money is gone.

As Potpot is an OFW, he does not buy pasalubong for everyone every time he goes home and he doesn’t even throw a lavish party and invite everyone to let them know that he’s around. But although Potpot is kuripot and hates spending money, the good thing with Potpot is when someone really needs financial help, like when one of his neighbors really needed money to buy fertilizers for his vegetable garden, when of his friends needed money for the tuition fee of her son, and when one of his brothers needed money for his surgery, he compassionately gave a generous helping hand.


Unlike Motmot, although he has much money locked in his vault, he is unwilling to share or even lend his money no matter what the borrower’s purpose is. He does not want to lend even in times of emergencies. So, when the time came that Motmot needed his own money, he opened his vault or popularly known as baul, but you know what happened? His money turned into dust. No joke, it literally turned to dust for being stored in the baul for a very long time and the rest of his money that he deposited in a cooperative was gone because he finally found out that the cooperative was a sham. Unknowingly, he was scammed.

Potpot loves being called kuripot but Motmot gets upset when he’s called madamot.

Potpot and Motmot clearly show the difference of being a kuripot and being a madamot.

Being kuripot is actually good because it means you know how to spend your money wisely. It means you know your priorities, you understand that you have to save and invest for you and your loved ones’ future. Being kuripot means saving your money for the rainy days and most importantly, being kuripot means you have a big heart because your savings is not only for yourself but for others, too.


So, the next time someone calls you kuripot, smile and be happy and say thank you. Why? Because it’s a sign that you are managing your financial life the way it should be.


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P.S. 3: If you like to learn how to choose the best stocks to buy to maximize your earnings in the Philippine stock market, click here to get a copy of The Big Fat Fish – A simplified guide on picking stocks for newbies. 

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