February 26, 2017

There are times when you feel so dumb and ugly and stuck between your life goals and if you aren’t strong enough you crumble until you’ll eventually fail in achieving your dreams and the person you want to become.

image source: www.pinterest.com

I don’t know about you, but I have put in a TON of work last week.

I read a whole novel we are doing in class and created worksheets for my slower class so they can be able to grasp the themes, structure and other elements of fiction in Montana 1948 by Larry Watson.

While I prepare my lessons, I read emails from isavenvestify subscribers and responded to them one by one.

I also read emails from my mentors and tried to ingest the knowledge they are teaching me.

Then, late in the evenings, I brainstormed and started to write the , an e-course that you’ll be getting soon.

Additionally, I also have to meet up and catch up with friends.

It’s CRAZY and the thing is, this cycle goes on for this coming week and who knows when it will end.

But let me tell you this, LIFE CAN GET CRAZY and very very tiring sometimes.

No matter how much you try to reach success, there are always potholes and thorns you have to overcome along the way. No one is ever promised that being successful in life would be easy. Sometimes, it’s a long and repetitive fight thus you should never let your guard down.

You have to do things to keep you going, to keep you at your best.

For me, I always do these 2 things and they work most of the time.

1. I give myself regular pep talks

image source: calmdownmorrissey.tumblr.com

We all need to receive motivating words and that includes you and me.

Just few days ago, I acknowledged one of my students who’s been a bit unfocused in class by putting her essay on the projector telling the others that this is the best essay I’ve got so far this semester. And miraculously for the whole week, she has become attentive in my boring literature class.

This reminds me about the power of words which was experimented on rice by Dr. Masaru Emoto which shows that the rice in the love jar that hears positive words for 30 days from Dr. Masaru Emoto’s students turned out to have the best condition compared with the rice in the Hate and Ignore jars.

image source: http://www.weepeeple.com

Pep talks, we need them. I sometimes get them from my closest friend. Sometimes they come from my mom. Sometimes from my investing mentors. I also hear a few from my colleagues and students and subscribers. I even like to get them on my Facebook and Instagram! Those short quotes on images I see on my Facebook wall, although they may seem corny, but for me they’re awesome because sometimes they give me that poke I needed and a little push to keep going and to stay focused on my goals.

Talk to people and don’t ignore the good things they have to say no matter how simple, how corny, how superficial they sound to be.

2.I learn constantly (Always Learning)

image source:dianelampe.com

You might be tired of hearing the same line over and over again, “Life is a journey and  a life-long learning process”, but it’s true. There is no end to what you can learn and what you can become. Like what Bo Sanchez of the Truly Rich Club said, “There is abundance of knowledge in this universe”.

I remember one of my students 4 or 5 years ago. She invited me for dinner to practice her spoken English and asked me this question, “Teacher, do you think you are smarter now that you are in China than when you were in the Philippines?”

She might have sensed that I was slighted a bit and so she quickly and apologetically said, “of course teacher, because before you came to China you didn’t know how to eat with chopsticks, but now I can see you are an expert”.

At first thought, the question may sound insulting but after a while I came to realized that I’m not the same person I was 10 years ago, or 5 years ago, or even a year ago. I think I’m a better version of who I was because I keep working to improve myself.

How do I do it? I do my best to learn new things. I read books, buy training programs, attend webinars, subscribe to online stock investing mentorship. Most of the time it’s a little bit inconvenient to my wallet and especially to my ME time. But I learn every single time and this carries me through the next steps I need to accomplish to achieve mg goals.

So if you’re feeling dumb, ugly and stuck, try these to improve and feel good about yourself because knowledge  that can lead you to success is everywhere, and because your SELF is your first and best investment.


PS: If you liked this post, share it to your friends, too. They might also need a Pep talk to help them keep going.



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