July 16, 2017

“If you want to go to an auction, don’t go.” – Warren Buffet

“…dahil mapapasubo ka lang.” – Edward Lee (COL Financial Chairman)

A great man quoting another great man in the equity market. Isn’t that great?

I’m already repeating words here, I know but that’s how great my feeling is as I sit around the table with my tablemates listening to Mr. Edward Lee’s funny and witty stories as he shares his notes on the equity markets.

It never occurred to me that Sir Edward is a man with a good sense of humor.

The Philippine Market Now

The Philippine market is still moving sideways, which means stock prices go up a little bit then goes down, then up a bit again…and down again.

Once the PSEi reaches or nearly reaches the major resistance of 8000, it starts to go down. And this cycle has been occurring for several months already.

The market is still battling with people’s fear and emotion as they react to the negative noise (news) around. But Chairman Edward Lee said the government is doing its job, although the implementation of projects, rules, policies is quite slow.

The Philippine Market In The Future

By 2020, economists projected that the PSEi may reach 10,000. This means that stock prices will go up because of several factors like the improvement in the Global Economic Outlook as other regions in the world recover, Tax Reform Bill, Continued OFW remittances.

Chairman Lee mentioned about upgrading on property which means increasing your investment on property shares because they have higher perceived value. There is a high hope that their price will increase in the next few years in lined with the government’s lined up projects.

One example given by Chairman Lee is the influx of many mainlanders (Chinese) to operate on the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operation (POGO). As this trend continues, more buildings for offices and residences will be needed.

What To Do Now

With the fear that investors have because of the noises around, selling off their shares is highly possible which may bring the prices of shares to go down. However, with the projection of the economists, this will be a good buying opportunity to accumulate shares.

The Chairman’s Advice

Buy companies with good value.

Don’t let your emotion dictate your decision. Avoid the “Winner’s Curse”.

Look at a business in a 20 year horizon.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is FEAR is the greatest wall to success. There will always be risks but you can minimize them by properly managing it with proper research or reliable mentors, and investing strategies.

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