January 21, 2018

Like solving a Rubik cube, investing in the stock market also follows uncomplicated steps.

Please allow me to share with you first the story about my Rubik addiction in the video below.

To easily solve a Rubik cube, there are algorithms in every step that are very simple for a beginner to follow. In investing in the stock market, there are also simplified guidelines for newbies to become successful in their investing journey.

Investing in stocks is an upgraded version of a bank savings account.

This is because although the risk is much higher, investors expect a higher return on their investment.

Stock market investment is also like an upgraded savings account because your money can multiply quickly especially if you re-invest your gains instead of withdrawing it to finance unnecessary spending.

This should be allotted for your long term or semi long term goals.


Here are the 5 simple steps you must take to invest the Philippine stock market now


1. Open a Trader Account

In order for you to transact in the market, you should have a trader account. Your trader account will enable you to personally buy and sell your shares of stocks in a particular company.

There are documents you need to provide in applying for a broker account. These include:

  1. TIN – Tax Identification Number
  2. Government-issued ID
  3. Filled up application form (You may download this from your broker’s website)
2.Fund Your Trader Account

To start purchasing stocks you need to have a buying power. You can do this by finally funding your trader account.

You shouldn’t be worried as to where your money is going as long as you have chosen a legitimate Online Broker. Your money will go to your trader account which you can see later on in your buying power.

The buying power will appear in your portfolio upon you log in to your account.

This fund will then be used to buy shares of stocks.

One tip is that you can easily fund your trader account using online banking.


3.Select A Good Company To Buy

Once your fund is in your buying power, you can now start buying shares of stocks from your selected companies

But the dilemma of what stocks to buy seems always to be the fear of a starting stock market investor.

That’s why it is advisable at this stage to discover the proper ways of investing in stocks, how to choose stocks to buy, and what to do with your stocks.
TIP: You may do this in 2 ways.


  • Do it on your own. 

You can study it all by yourself, do some research, start from scratch, go through trials and errors.

The downside of this is it may take a longer time to get a result and it may also lead to capital loss since you will go through trials and errors to discover things.


  • Do it with the help of a coach or a mentor who will show you the step by step way of doing things

Because you will no longer re-inventing the wheel dahil ipapakita na sa yo ang mga dapat at hindi dapat, you will be shortening the time to get results.

The downside of this is, you will spend money to buy books, or attend trainings.

Be Guided As How To Invest In Stocks, How To Choose Your Stocks, and What To Do With Your Stocks

4. Take Good Care Of Your Stocks

After buying stocks, you should nurture your shares so they can grow robustly. You should be guarding them against potential threats in the market.

Just like raising a teenage kid, nurturing your stocks may sometimes be unpredictable. Stock investing may drain you emotionally especially if you aren’t sure of what to do with them.

Without proper guidance, like many teenagers, the stocks are sometimes difficult to manage.

5. Sell Your Stocks

This is the step when many investors are smiling from ear to ear because it’s the time to harvest what they have sown.

When the price of the stocks already reaches their potential growth, you now come to face the time to let them go.

You are allowed to be a two-timer man or a woman in investing in the stock market.

Loyalty to a particular company is not highly encouraged here. You should become adulterous to your stocks.

Take It To The Next Level: Double Your Gains

Here is the clever part. To multiply your money quickly, once you make a sale, you should not withdraw your gains and make a trip to the Apple store or book a flight to Coron.

You should re-invest it by buying shares of stocks from another potential company.

Look, you can also master all these steps in a very short span of time and start investing soon. You just have to be teachable.


P.S.1. If you are blessed by this post, share the blessing also to your loved ones and friends by sharing this post with them.

P.S.2. I am inviting you to join our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/isavenvestify/ and like our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/isavenvestify1/

P.S.3. If you also want to learn how to invest in the stock market, get your FREE ebook that teaches how by filling in the form below

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